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February Class Challenge

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The February Class Challenge is an opportunity for St. Ed's Alumni to rally their Class in support of the Annual Fund and St. Ed's. The Annual Fund is a key component in our current success in educating the hearts and minds of young men.

Contributions support our innovative curriculum and make student financial aid, technology upgrades, campus ministries activities, and vibrant extra-curricular opportunities possible. As Alumni, we all benefitted from the full St. Ed's experience. Your support helps ensure the future success of our Alma Mater and the continued education of young men rooted in the Holy Cross Mission at St. Edward High School.

To see all of your donors please view the donor wall and search by your class year!

Your Gift Makes A Difference

All students at St. Edward High School have benefited from the Annual Fund in the past. Continued support of the Annual Fund will benefit current and future students, and further distinguish St. Ed's from others in the Greater Cleveland area.

Show Your Eagle Pride

Participate in the February Class Challenge today! Class participation percentages will update frequently on the Live Leaderboard. Show your Class Pride on the Donor Wall by including your class year in the DISPLAY NAME section. Help spread the word! Encourage your classmates, family, and friends to participate using the text, email, and social media sharing options below. Thank you for your support, and Go Eagles!

About The Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is a big part of our current success in educating the minds and hearts of young men. Contributions support our innovative curriculum and make possible student financial aid, technology upgrades, campus ministries activities, and vibrant extra-curricular opportunities.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!